What to Expect

We Lutherans think of worship as a people’s service, not a pastoral performance.

WE ARE SACRAMENTAL.  Baptism is one of our sacraments.  Holy Communion is the other.  We believe that Jesus Christ is truly present when we gather in faith for this sacred meal.

WE ARE A SINGING CHURCH.  Lutherans have contributed and still contribute much to Christian music.  Martin Luther reintroduced the singing of hymns in worship.  Music is important to Lutherans.

WE ARE A LITURGICAL CHURCH.  This means our worship service follows a set form, or liturgy.  The service has three main areas of focus:

Preparation – confession and praise.

Learning – hearing the Word of God.

Participation – giving of ourselves through singing, praying, gathering the offering, sharing the peace, and receiving God’s forgiveness through Holy Communion.

LUTHERANS PLACE SPECIAL EMPHASIS ON THE WORD OF GOD.  Our worship stresses preaching in the form of a sermon that addresses the needs of sinners and announces the loving activity of God.  God is present when humans speak the divine Word, so Lutherans gather together to hear it.

OUR WORSHIP LEADERS WEAR VESTMENTS.  The robe-like garments they wear are called albs and are usually white.  The color of the rope on the alb as well as the colors of the paraments (altar hangings) are all the same.  They are changed periodically during the church year according to the liturgical season.

Welcome in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!  We are happy to have you join in our worship service.  Here is some information we hope will be of help to you.


Our Worship Service

WORSHIP  We use Lutheran Service Book.  The ushers will give you a bulletin that will direct you to the right page numbers.  The page numbers refer to the front section of the hymn book.  The numbers for the hymns are also numbered and are in the back part of the hymnal.

MOVEMENT  We usually stand to pray and give praise, sit to listen and learn, and kneel to receive Holy Communion.

COMMUNION  Please read the information about our practice of Holy Communion below (also found in the chuch bulletin on Sunday morning).  We use unleavened bread and wine for Communion, but grape juice is in the cup in the very center of the tray should it be preferred.  Children are welcome at the communion rail to receive a blessing.  Ushers direct the flow to communion – we enter from the center aisle and exit to the side aisle.

CHILDREN are welcome in the worship service.  There is a nursery immediately to the right of the double doors at the back of the church.  While regularly not staffed, you are welcome to use the nursery.  If you have need to leave your child there, you may find an adult already staffing the room, or someone will be there to help you.


Information about Holy Communion

We welcome our visitors and guests.  If you have not communed with us before, please speak with the Pastor, an Elder, or an usher before the service begins.  We believe when receiving the sacrament, in, with, and under the bread, Christ gives us His true body.  In, with, and under the wine, He gives us His true blood.  By His words “Given and shed for you for the remission of sins,” Christ has placed the forgiveness of sins into the Sacrament, and there He offers, gives, and seals it to all communicants.

Grape juice is available for Holy Communion instead of wine.  The grape juice is white grape juice and is located in the center row of the communion tray.  The grape juice is available for those where medical concerns, medications, or other conditions prevent them from consuming wine.

