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Summary of Faith:

Lutherans refer to the following as a summary of the faith that gives them hope:

•   Grace alone ‑- God loved the world, though we do not deserve his love. He sent his Son to love the unlovely and save the ungodly.

•   Faith alone -- Jesus has provided for our forgiveness and life; those who hear this promise and believe it, have what it offers. People don't "get" faith; God gives it as he gives us his promises.

•   Scripture alone -‑ The Bible is the only source that shows God's will and the only basis for faith.

Lutherans talk about Law and Gospel. The Bible gives the Law, showing God's expectation of people and the terrible consequences for not following his commands. But the Bible also reveals the Gospel ‑- the "good news" of God's love and forgiveness.

Christ Alone:

Lutherans build their lives on Jesus Christ. They believe Jesus Christ is the only, perfect, Son of God. They believe that Jesus died for them and every person in the world. And Lutherans believe that Jesus rose from the dead and lives for them‑and for all people who believe in him as their Savior.

Jesus brings people close to God. Lutherans believe their lives‑today, tomorrow, and in eternity‑depend on Jesus.

Lutherans live with a sure hope of eternal life because of Jesus Christ. They know that they're not perfect, that they stumble and fall in their daily walk with God. But they also know that their forgiveness has been won and paid for by Jesus Christ and when they repent and seek forgiveness, God will forgive them because of Jesus.

And they want to tell others about that hope!


We Believe:

That Jesus alone has earned for each of us the grace and mercy of God. Conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary, Jesus Christ came from the Father's side to live our life perfectly for us according to the 10 commandments. In no way could we earn God's mercy; Jesus earned it for us. We are saved by grace alone. By His death on the cross, Jesus suffered the punishment we each deserve. The world may hold our sin against us, but now, because of Jesus Christ, God no longer holds our sin against us!

Faith alone can embrace or accept the truth of our salvation in Jesus Christ. Faith is a God given trust in Jesus as the Savior from sin, death, and the power of the devil. Worked by the Holy Spirit through the preaching of the Word and Holy Baptism, our faith is nurtured in the Christian congregation through God's Word and Holy Communion. All who place their trust and confidence in the life, death, and, resurrection of Jesus are saved from sin, death, and hell.

We believe that though we are daily assaulted by the powers of darkness, we can live each day in the victory of Jesus. Living in the light of Jesus' love and forgiveness we are being transformed each day, growing in faith toward God and love for the world. This is the way of discipleship.

We Believe that Scripture alone can show us the way of Salvation. It also shapes our Christian attitude toward others and helps us reach out with Jesus' grace. Authored by the Spirit of God we are growing together in God's Word and standing strong.  We are a Bible believing church!

We believe that when Jesus rose from the grave on the third day, He opened to us a new world where we will live forever with Him, and all believers. On the glorious day of the resurrection we will celebrate, with the family of God, the feast of unending victory. Until then we celebrate Jesus here in this place.
